Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How to Get Over a Broken Heart

Damned if know. I'll let you know when I find out. But some fairly good wisdom can be found here from someone much younger than me. Until then, I do believe it's better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all. It's why I stick my neck out and fall in love. I reveled in every minute of it and have some wonderful memories. Love is what it's all about. It's the only thing that matters in the end.

From that blog. This is so on target:

"Good for you for feeling something and taking a risk. That’s called living and all we can do is our best in each moment. There is no right or wrong; there is no should. There is only real.

You might feel sad and hurt, but guess what?

I think you fucking rock."

So do you, baby. Thanks for what it was and for you being you and allowing me to be in your life for a little while.

this just in (a day later)

Saw Nick Lowe and Ron Sexsmith do solo sets tonight in Carrboro. Ron opened with "Former Glory" (youtube of him doing it solo here a few years back). Was he reading my mind? I don't think my fragile ticker could take more tunes like this in one night. Wonderfully done though.

Your eyes are burning low
As you look out on this morning
But your eyes will return
To their former glory

Though the cold north wind may blow
It's all sound and fury
And the summer will return
In its former glory

Everything will be just like you remember
Today won't look as bad as it seemed
And though love's become a dying ember
It will burn brighter than you ever dreamed

For the day is coming soon
You don't have to worry
Your light will return
In its former glory

Everything will be just like you remember
Today won't look as bad as it seemed
And though love's become a dying ember
It will burn brighter than you ever dreamed

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