Thursday, May 22, 2008

Neil Young, Taco Stands and Lyrics I Dream That Rhyme

note: i'm temporarily back to all lowercase for this one as i copied this straight from my lyric archive.

i was looking through my song lyric archive last night and saw this weird dream i had in late '06. i often write lyric snippets or dreams down for later use. i even dreamed some lyrics (ie four lines that even rhymed - i may use 'em!)

i sent this to ron hank (ron bartholomew of the hanks) today as he was in it. i told him this looks a lot like one of the sleeve notes on the back of dylan's first 4 lp's, the long rambling funny stuff.

it also occurred to me that this was a full three months or so before chad johnson
and i came up with the idea of a neil young tribute band. for the record, we do play neil's song "winterlong".

so without further adieu, the weird dream from 11.21.06 i believe:

winterlong - summerlong

dreamed i was coming home from a gig and i was supposed to stay at a married couple's house. they were home and it was almost sunrise.

the wife was curled up in one room. not sure she was asleep.
the husband was asleep in another room.
the doors were open, so i could see 'em.

i was listening to neil young's winterlong.
i was looking at the lyrics.
the cd sleeve notes said he was inspired to write the song
from seeing local tv ad for a taco stand
that said they were open winterlong (i guess for the locals
after the tourists had gone).

some of the lyrics were (ed: i can't believe i dreamed this hilarious pair of couplets - and they rhymed??):

came off the road with my old band
saw a tv ad for a taco stand
said the others were closed, but they were wrong
we're open for your convenience all winterlong

and some of the lyrics were like
surfin u.s.a. and the last line ended in

then i turned on the tv and saw a band
that was semi-famous like wilco
maybe it was an ex-member of uncle tupelo
and they were ending their set
and starting another
emerging into an alter ego
which wore capes
and the crowd went wild
they were good, but i felt we were better

the rest of the dream was me
trying to copy some computer files
from my desktop to another folder
but there was some virus and they
were all turning into porn files
i didn't know what to do
so i went to go to lunch
i was gonna get my lunch
and a six pack of some kind of soda
maybe cream soda
at a local grocery store
i was gonna also take a tub of mail
to the post office
like with my old job
ran into ron hank at the grocery store
he said his gig was ok but the crowd was poor
we talked about how hard it is

that's pretty much the dream

felt i had to wake up and write it down.